Working Groups

DDEX maintains nine working groups which are made up of member representatives from the Charter and Full Members of DDEX. The Working Groups meet regularly by teleconference and in-person to develop, maintain, and update our standards, and assist with their implementation. Below is the list of Working Groups with their current mandates for activity.

Electronic Release Notification Working Group (ERN)

  1. Maintain ERN-4 and its Release Profiles;
  2. Maintain ERN Choreographies;
  3. Maintain MEAD;
  4. Assist interested parties with implementation activities;
  5. Create samples and documents for the Knowledge Base for all versions of ERN-3, ERN-4 and MEAD;
  6. Test the ERN/MEAD part of the XSD validator currently run by SME; and
  7. Develop and maintain conformance tools.

Digital Sales Report Working Group (DSR)

  1. Maintain and further develop the DSR standard for reporting of sales/usages to owners and licensors of Musical Works;
  2. Finalise a masterlist profile, the Single-Record Block Variants for the existing profiles and the profile for reporting of sales/usages to owners and licensors of Sound Recordings;
  3. Finalise the Claim Detail Message;
  4. Assist interested parties with implementation activities;
  5. Create samples and documents for the Knowledge Base for the DSR and CDM standard; and
  6. Develop and maintain conformance tools.

Licensing Working Group (MWN, MWL and LoD)

  1. Maintain the Musical Work Right Share Notification Choreography Standard (MWN);
  2. Develop a message suite and choreography standard for licensing Musical Works (MWL);
  3. Develop a message suite and choreography standard for Letters of Direction (LoD);
  4. Assist interested parties with implementation activities;
  5. Create samples and documents for the Knowledge Base for MWN, MWL and LoD message suites; and
  6. Develop and maintain conformance tools.

Recording Data and Rights Working Group (RDR-N, RDR-R and RDR-C)

  1. Develop and maintain the DDEX RDR message suite (RDR-N, RDR-R and RDR-C) to enable and promote adoption;
  2. Develop a standard for communicating revenue information (RDR-R) utilising the architecture used by the DSR standard;
  3. Plan for implementation of all RDR standards with a focus on wider adoption;
  4. Assist interested parties with implementation activities;
  5. Create samples and documents for the Knowledge Base for the RDR messages;
  6. Develop and maintain conformance tools; and
  7. Develop standard processes relating to rights transfers and conflicts.

Studio Working Group (RIN)

  1. Maintain and promote the Recording Information Notification standard;
  2. Provide and update resources for developers to further implement the RIN standard;
  3. Demonstrate the value of RIN to content creators and stakeholders in the production process; illustrate to rights owners and DSPs the value for consumers;
    • Develop a use case demonstrator in the form of an audio-visual presentation which demonstrates the importance of the deployment of the RIN standard and how this can benefit contributors to the creation of works and sound recordings in respect of such issues as credits and receipt of royalties due;
    • Develop a use case example to demonstrate the flow of data from studio to label to commercial channels while illustrating how the RIN standard can benefit contributors with credits and royalties;
  4. Create samples and documents for the Knowledge Base for the RIN standard; and
  5. Create awareness of the RIN standard and its development through presentations and engagement in industry events.

Party Identification and Description WG

  1. Document requirements for the identification and description of parties to allow efficient and consistent collation, communication and use of such data across the media industry value chain. This may include reaching out to other media sector organisations to exchange and/or align solutions;
  2. Ensure that the technical solutions and operational processes implementing these requirements support the various different business transactions of the media industry value chain;
  3. Work with all messaging Working Groups to develop technical solutions and/or operational processes to meet these requirements; and
  4. Create, where appropriate with other organisations, educational material to support the aforementioned technical approaches. Such material may include best practice documents and physical workshops.

Location Identification and Description WG

  1. Document DDEX’s requirements for the identification and description of locations where music is written, recorded and/or used;
  2. Work with EIDR to agree common technical requirements; and
  3. Support the DDEX Secretariat and DDEX Board in discussing and agreeing a joint governance framework for a location identification system to meet the aforementioned requirements.

Mechanical Licensing Collective Ad hoc Group

  1. Gather the requirements from the likely users of the Mechanical Licensing Collective database that enables the MLC to make the content of the database available in bulk, machine-readable format, through a widely available software application; and
  2. To determine if such requirements are best met by the specification of a publicly available, authenticated API and/or a “dump” using a standardised lightweight database schema and data, or other solutions.

Linking WG

  1. Maintain the standard message format that enables all parties involved in creating links between ISWCs and ISRCs (or equivalents as appropriate) to communicate these with their business partners in a standard way; and
  2. Create samples and documents for the Knowledge Base for the Linking message standard.

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